Monthly Traffic in Cloud Hosting
We have selected the attributes of our cloud hosting plansin a way, to help the success of every site hosted on our leading-edge cloud platform. The traffic that your account can generate makes no exception, which means that with a web hosting package from us, you won't need to worry about the volume of content being transferred to and from your account any time. You'll be able to host many small and medium-sized websites and make sure that your monthly traffic allowance won't be a setback for their growth. We also provide you with detailed hourly, daily and monthly stats that will give you extra details for the site traffic that a given website generates or which particular page/file is being downloaded the most and generates the most traffic. This kind of info will help you plan the supervision of your websites and your marketing strategies more efficiently.
Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Hosting
As our semi-dedicated hosting are quite efficient, we have decided not to set any kind of limit for the monthly site traffic that a given account can generate. It is our understanding that if you buy a web hosting package that includes a lot of computing power, your sites will presumptively have lots of visitors and as each visitor produces some traffic, one can end up with inaccessible sites in case there was some cap for this particular characteristic. With truly unlimited site traffic, you can be sure this cannot happen. For your convenience, you'll be able to keep track of the content being downloaded along with the web site traffic that is generated for each individual domain with hourly, daily and monthly stats that will inform you on how popular your websites are. You'll be able to even see unique pages and files that have generated most of the site traffic in your semi-dedicated account.
Monthly Traffic in VPS Web Hosting
With each virtual private server package that you will find here, we offer a unique monthly website traffic allowance that depends on how powerful your server is. In this way, we can keep our lower-end packages less expensive and provide you with an opportunity to select the plan you really need based on your budget as well as your resource needs. Upgrading from one plan to another is really simple and usually takes just a couple of clicks in your VPS billing Control Panel, so that when you start to get more site visitors at some point soon so you need a higher site traffic allowance, you're able to shift to a superior plan at any time. We'll notify you when you reach 90% of your monthly allowance, hence you will have the required time either to upgrade or to optimise your web sites, so that you can reduce the outbound site traffic. Our VPS packages also come with a server management panel where you can see what amount of site traffic has already been used for the present month and what amount is left until you get to the allowance cap.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers Hosting
The Linux dedicated servers hosting packages that we supply feature great traffic allowances which are enough for almost any site, even a video streaming portal or a preferred online community. Terabytes of website traffic will be at your disposal each month and the management panel that is featured with every single dedicated server will give you information what amount of info has been transferred already and what amount is available for the present month. In order to avoid service interruptions, we will inform you whenever you reach 90% of your quota and you can either lessen the traffic generated by your websites by optimizing their content, or you will be able to increase the quota for your account. It's very unlikely that you'll ever need such an upgrade, however we prefer to leave this alternative open. The stats in that panel include the entire website traffic, in contrast to the data from your hosting Control Panel where you can find only the traffic from websites, but not from server-side software downloads and updates.