When you have your own hosting server, virtual or dedicated, you can launch your own website hosting reseller business and to get good money in a niche that is maintaining growth every year. With the increasing demand for Internet sites, you will need just three things to start - a server; a billing application, that is the connection between your electronic store and the website hosting space; and an account with a payment processor, which will help you accept online financial transactions. While there are ready-made reseller programs out there, the usage of your own server will provide you with more control over the software environment. The ability to install server-side software, for instance, provides you with a benefit over competitors and will mean many more happy clients. When you use a standard reseller program, the accounts are created on a shared server, which means that no software can be installed and, because of this, some Internet sites may not work correctly. Having your own reseller company will give you the chance to generate income, while you may still use the server for your own Internet sites as well.

Reselling Options in VPS Web Hosting

We'll make it very easy for you to start a hosting company if you acquire one of our virtual private servers packages. During the signup process, you will be able to select the cPanel or the DirectAdmin hosting Control Panel and not only will you have full root access to the server with either of them, but you will also be able to make web hosting plans, as they both feature a reseller level as well. What is more, with DirectAdmin you can even have resellers of your own. Each and every VPS package ordered with cPanel includes 2 additional attributes which will help you start a reseller business completely free. The first is an eNom domain name reseller account, which excludes the deposit you will need to pay in case you decide to register with them directly, while the second is an authorized copy of ClientExec - a billing and support software app, that will make it a piece of cake for you to generate packages, to bill the clients and to supply ticket support. Our VPS plans give you the opportunity to launch your online business with nominal expenses and they include the tools which you will need for that.

Reselling Options in Dedicated Servers Hosting

The dedicated server packages that we provide will allow you to create your own web hosting company quickly. They feature more than enough computing power, physical memory and disk space to support a very large number of clients, no matter the kind of websites they run. You will also have root access to the server, so that you can add any server-side app. Our packages include 3 separate hosting Control Panels and two of them - cPanel and DirectAdmin, are ideal for your new website hosting company, since they have two different levels - client and reseller. When you purchase the server with cPanel, we will also provide you with a domain name reseller account in addition to a billing/support solution called ClientExec for free, so that you will be totally independent and you'll have full control over what is going on with your server and with the customers' websites. If you'd like to take another approach, however, DirectAdmin will allow you to have resellers of your own who can take care of finding the end customers, while they pay you for the reseller package.

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