The in–depth online analytics reports within your Web Site Control Panel will enable you to watch virtually all actions on your site. You will get actual time information about the stress generated in your web hosting account and also the website traffic they have on a per–hour, per–week and monthly basis. You’ll also find details concerning our servers in general including the actual IP address, the Operating System, the variations of PHP and MySQL and others. Everything is categorized in areas as a way for you to locate it.

Server Data

Examine the server’s OS, IP address, and so forth.

In the Statistics Manager area of the Web Site Control Panel, you’ll get real–time information about the server including the OS that’s utilized or even the physical IP address of your website hosting account. Furthermore, you will find valuable information for your own web design undertakings including the present variations of PHP, MySQL and Perl, along with the running Perl modules. Mailing server information such as sendmail path or the inbound and outbound maill servers is also included.

All of the hosting server details are brought to you in a readable fashion for you to easily locate the facts that you need.

Hepsia File Manager

Access & Error Records

Immediately uncover any web site effectiveness problems

The Access and Error Logs capture information concerning the web server, consisting of details about server access as well as the types of errors detected during web server functioning. You’ll find both forms of info on the effectiveness of your web sites from the Statistics Manager part of your Web Site Control Panel.

The access log records the whole set of text files, image files, video clip files, etc. that people already have requested to view on your site, while the error log records virtually all warnings and glitches the web server has experienced ever since the log file is created.

Hepsia File Manager

Traffic Stats

Monitor your web site visitors in real time

Tracking the site stats of your website is the easiest way to know how your Internet marketing strategy works. By way of the Web Site Control Panel integrated Internet data tools – Webalizer and Awstats, you can observe the volumes of visitors that come to your site, plus the number of views they create and webpages they visit on a day–to–day, weekly and monthly basis.

To analyze the stats details, go to the Web Statistics section of the Web Site Control Panel and load the statistics file for a selected domain. You don’t have to set up anything on your end. We start the statistics immediately after your website moves on the Internet and begins generating visitors.

Hepsia File Manager

CPU Statistics

Keep track of your websites’ CPU load

The host’s CPU is essential for the communication and interaction between the site and its website visitors. The more advanced and resource–utilizing your web sites are, the more web server resources and CPU time will be demanded. Through the CPU stats section, you’ll be able to monitor which particular website is consuming the largest amount of CPU allocations.

You need to take actions to improve your web sites in case the CPU use limit is arrived at. You can see detailed stats for each day and month as well as for a full calendar year.

Hepsia File Manager
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